Saturday, June 5, 2010

Not as bad as I thought

On Friday I sent off a new draft of the short note to the other authors with all of the changes Sam suggested. Recap: I wrote this in October, sat down and wrote more of it with Sam in December, submitted it in January, got it back right away, and have been revising it for resubmission to a different journal ever since. This isn't experimental at all- just a natural history note. It's not supposed to be big. Every time I send Sam a new version, he writes back with a bunch of suggestions of things I should add. I've been sitting on those last suggestions since April. This week I sat down to think about whether or not it's worth it to do them, I decided it really might not be very difficult (especially now that I'm back in the US).

On Thursday I made a list of all of the corrections and additions needed for the paper. On Friday I sat down and did them. Boy that felt good! I think it might be ready to submit next week if Sam and Dr. K are able to give me feedback in time. The timing is somewhat unfortunate as Sam is leaving for a week or two but we'll see what happens. At the very least, I made good progress and can now worry about other things for a while.

Today I've been chopping away at my list of things to do at home. I cleaned off my desk (for the first time in about 6 months), organized a closet and a bookcase, dusted, did laundry, repotted seedlings, and washed the weird dishes (Jon's responsible for the dishwasher stuff). I feel like there's such a backlog of things for me to do at home that I have a hard time leaving the apartment in the morning because I'm tempted to stay home and organize stuff instead. I'm so glad to be home.

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