Monday, September 29, 2008

leaving after dark

Tonight was the first night in several months that I biked home from school in the dark. These shortening days really get to me in the fall. I was also at school later than usual because I'm got a writing deadline coming up.

This morning I realized as I was lying in bed that Herb's lab group is reading my review next week. OMG, I have a lot of work to do this week! I've got to send them a reasonable draft on Sunday night!

I'm really starting to doubt my ability to send this somewhere by my self-imposed November deadline. It just feels so... complex. Right now I'm at a "who cares about this?" point in my writing. This review is very closely related to my planned thesis research so how I feel about my research and my review are usually pretty similar.

Last week after I was discouraged about my project after presenting it for class Jon suggested that I rate how excited I am about my project every week and graph it on the blog. Maybe I'll find a way to do that so you can all track how enthusiastic I am about my research. Or is that the lamest thing you've ever heard?

Tomorrow will be another busy day of writing.


Anonymous said...

Chart-porn is my favorite kind. I'm voting for the graph. And good luck with the writing!

EcoGeoFemme said...

Yeah, I think the graph is a great idea. Chart-porn! Love it.

Anyway, it might help you see that your project enthusiasm is related to external factors which might help you cope with or expect down times. You seem like a pretty even keeled person, but it still might help. I find that when either EGM or I are feeling down about our research, it can be hard to remember that we'll go back up again. A chart might help that.