Friday, February 22, 2008

I think I have a field site!

Wow, I am so excited. I had a great meeting today with someone (who I will now name Sam) who has totally convinced me to do my fieldwork at their site. Let's call the site Nyota. Sam has tons of preliminary and unpublished data on my system that he said I can use to write proposals or possibly even analyze and write up as a co-author! He has far more data than he can realistically publish, and at this point it just needs to be out there. This is the best news I've received yet this year. Sam is a great naturalist who knows heaps about Nyota. From about 2 hours of conversation this afternoon I think I have enough ideas for about 15 Ph.D.s. This is a very exciting dilemma. So many options!

Nyota seems be better in almost every way than African Field Site. Basic natural history that I was barely able to scrape together for African Field Site is easily accessible for Nyota through Sam. Sam is sitting on a veritable gold mine of information. Now I'm just annoyed that I didn't get in touch with him sooner! I suppose if I'd talked to him at the beginning of the year I wouldn't have yet come up with a vision for my research and I might not have recognized the wealth of help Sam can offer.

Next I need to apply for more small grants that I've been holding off on until I figured out where I'll be going. Then I need to start the process for revising my approved animal research protocol since that can take a while. And I need to cross my fingers that I get more funding!

1 comment:

Paulina said...

Congratulations! May your research be swift.